LUMINOUS is a research-based app that discovers the various effects natural vs. artificial light has on the human body. By measuring a user’s ambient light intake, the app offers detailed metrics, recommendations, and warnings to help reduce the long-lasting negative health implications of blue light, such as an abnormal sleep cycle, elevated heart rate, high body temperatures, and much more.

Light: Natural vs. Artificial
Artificial light, although necessary for us to live in a modern society that operates after dark, is actually something that should be absorbed in moderation. Too much artificial, electric light can have severe long-term effects on the human body. Contrary to popular belief, inadequate natural light during the day and too much artificial light at night not only disrupts our sleep cycles, but also our core body temperatures, eating habits and digestion, hormone regulation/release, and patterns of gene expression throughout our bodies. The amount and brightness of this light doesn’t necessarily matter because all light, no matter how dim, can have the exact same impact on our circadian rhythms -- the 24-hour clock all humans run on. Natural light, on the other hand, may hold the key to correcting these disruptions. By informing users of the type and temperature of ambient light they’re taking in, as well as prompting a user when it’s almost time to turn out the lights completely, LUMINOUS aims to help people return to their natural health cycles.

View your Dashboard to see
in-depth metrics based on your daily ambient light intake.
LUMINOUS uses emerging technologies to combine hardware and software to create a new standard in health application. When paired with iPhone and Apple Watch, the integration possibilities are endless. For example, the TrueTone technology built into every iPhone uses an advanced six-channel ambient light sensor to analyze the white balance, tone, and color temperature of the light around you. Learn about some of the other technologies that power LUMINOUS below.